(Co-)Organized Events

In the Field of CSS
(14) Data Donation Symposium (Conference at LMU Munich, October 2025, Link)
(13) Linking Survey Data with Digital Trace Data: Error Sources and Best Practices (Session at the Conference of the European Survey Research Association, July 2025, Link)
(12) Computational Social Science and Artificial Intelligence: How Unequal Access Patterns Shape Society and Research (Conference at the University of Mannheim/MZES, May 2025, Link)
(11) Digitale Datenspuren nutzbar machen - Datenspenden als Methode der Kommunikationswissenschaft (Workshop given as expert at the Annual Conference of the Journalism Studies and Science Communication Division of the DGPuK, University of Passau, September 2023, Link)
(10) Advanced Text Analysis (Workshop given as expert at the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS) in Munich, LMU Munich, July 2023, Link)
(9) Data Simulation & Monte Carlo Modeling (Workshop, February 2023, Link)
(8) API, Scraping oder doch lieber ab ins Archiv? Möglichkeiten und Probleme der Datensammlung und -qualität für Inhaltsanalysen (Preconference to the Annual Conference of the Methods Section of the DGPuK, October 2022, Link)
(7) Inhaltsanalyse 2022: Innovation, Reflexion und Anwendung (Annual Conference of the Methods Section of the DGPuK, October 2022, Link)
(6) Teaching Computational Social Science – Where Do We Go from Here? (Panel Discussion, September 2021, Link)
(5) A Career in CSS – Dream or Disillusion? (Panel Discussion related to the 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science, July 2021, Link)
(4) People, Research Interests & Methods in CSS (Networking Event related to the 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science, July 2021, Link)
(3) Young Scholars in Computational Social Science (Conference and Workshop, November 2020, Link)
(2) Open Science in Communication Studies: Benefits, Challenges, and Applications (Workshop, November 2020, Link)
(1) Automated Content Analysis in R (Workshop given as expert at the Annual Conference of the Journalism Studies Division of the DGPuK University of Eichstätt, September 2019, Link)
In the Field of Journalism Studies
(5) Reviewing Workshop with Prof. Dr. Folker Hanusch (Annual Conference of the Journalism Studies Division of the DGPuK, September 2021, Link)
(4) Doctoral Colloquium in Journalism Studies (Annual Conference of the Journalism Studies Division of the DGPuK, September 2021, Link)
(3) Doctoral Colloquium in Journalism Studies (Annual Conference of the Journalism Studies Division of the DGPuK, September 2020, Link)
(2) Doctoral Colloquium in Journalism Studies (Annual Conference of the Journalism Studies Division of the DGPuK, September 2019, Link)
(1) Komplexität abbilden–Islam und Naher Osten zwischen Mythen und Fakten (Conference at the University of Zurich, 2019, Link)