Keynotes & Invited Talks
(16) Hase, V. (2024). Keynote: From Awareness to Action: Defining, Assessing & Improving the Quality of Digital Trace Data. GESIS Conference “Tools – Indicators – Metrics: Data Quality in CSS”, December 2024.
(15) Hase, V. (2024). Invited Talk: Using Data Donations to Gather Digital Trace Data: Promises and Pitfalls for the Social Sciences. Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), November 2024.
(14) Hase, V. (2024). Understanding the Labor Market through Digital Traces: An Introduction to Data Donation Studies. Institute for Employment Research, July 2024.
(13) Hase, V. (2024). Guest Lecture: Between Instagram, TikTok and YouTube: Cross-Platform Perspectives on Digital News (Use). University of Jena, May 2024.
(12) Hase, V. (2024). Invited Talk: Big Data, Big Bias? Understanding and Addressing Bias in CSS. University of Bielelfeld, May 2024.
(11) Hase, V. (2024). Invited Talk: Fulfilling their Data Access Obligations. Platforms Need to Increase their Compliance for Providing Digital Trace Data. Center for Advanced Internet Studies, February 2024.
(10) Hase, V. (2024). Invited Talk: Neue Einblicke mittels digitaler Verhaltensspuren? Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia, January 2024.
(9) Hase, V. (2023). Guest Lecture: Digital Trace Data as the New “Gold Standard”? On Measuring Media Exposure via New Methods. TU Dresden, December 2023.
(8) Hase, V. (2023). Podium Discussion: Mobilization and Motivations related to Data Donations. Workshop on DataDonation4SustainableChange, LMU Munich, November 2023.
(7) Hase, V. (2023). Podium Discussion: Data Donation and the Digital Society. Data Donation Symposium, University of Zurich, September 2023.
(6) Hase, V. (2023). Public Talk: Can We Get Rid of the Bias? Mitigating Error in Data Donation Studies via Sampling and Survey Design Strategies. University of Zurich, March 2023.
(5) Hase, V. (2022). Guest Lecture: Digital Trace Data as the New “Gold Standard”? On Measuring Media Exposure via New Methods. TU Dresden, December 2022.
(4) Hase, V. (2021). Guest Lecture: The Crux of Cross-Platform Analyses: What Can and Can’t We Do with NLP Methods? Trier Center for Language and Communication, May 2022.
(3) Hase, V. (2021). Invited Talk: The “Computational Turn” in Journalism Studies: A Review of “Text as Data” Approaches. Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), November 2021.
(2) Hase, V. (2021). Invited Talk: Tracking Crises over Time: When to Use (or Avoid) Computational Methods. Crisis21 series organized by the Section “Risk & Crisis Communication” of the European Communication Research and Education Association, June 2021.
(1) Hase, V. (2019). Guest Lecture: Automatisierte Inhaltsanalyse in der Journalismusforschung. University of Münster, June 2019, Münster.