Articles in Edited Books/Conference Proceedings
(6) Schwabl, P., & Hase, V. (in press). Python for Text-as-Data: Using Word Embeddings to Assess the Diversity of Election-Related Search Queries. In Bernauer, J. (ed.), Doing Quantitative Text Analysis with R: Scraping, Preparing, Visualising and Modelling Data. London: Sage.
(5) Boczek, H. & Hase, V. (in press). Eine Redaktion, hundert Kanäle? Komparative Plattformanalysen als Methode zur Erforschung von Wandel und Innovation im Journalismus. In S. Kretzschmar, A. Sehl, & D. Nölleke, D. (eds.), Innovationen im Journalismus: Theorien – Methoden – Potentiale?. Springer.
(4) Schäfer, M.S, Hase, V., Mahl, D., & Krayss, X. (2023). From “Climate Change” to “Climate Crisis”? Analyzing Changes in Global News Nomenclature from 1996 to 2021. Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies, 13(1).
(3) Boczek, K. & Hase, V.* (2020). Technische Innovation, theoretische Sackgasse? Chancen und Grenzen der automatisierten Inhaltsanalyse in Lehre und Forschung. In: Schützeneder, J., Meier, K. & Springer, N. (ed.), _Neujustierung der Journalistik bzw. Journalismusforschung in der digitalen Gesellschaft_. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Journalism/Journalism Research section of the DGPuK, 2019, Eichstätt (p. 117–128). [*shared first authorship]
(2) Grosser, K., Hase, V., & Blöbaum, B. (2016). Trust in Online Journalism. In: Blöbaum, B. (ed.): Trust and Communication in a Digitized World. Models and Concepts of Trust Research (p. 53–73). VS Springer.
(1) Boberg, S., Hase, V., & Johnson, D. (2016): Gerhard Schröder. In: Birkner, T. (ed.): Medienkanzler. Politische Kommunikation in der Mediendemokratie (p. 221–261). VS Springer.