Third-Party Funded Grants “Integrating Data Donation in Survey Infrastructure: Quantifying, Explaining, and Addressing Errors in Representation and Measurement”
PIs: Valerie Hase (Postdoc, Department of Media and Communication, LMU Munich) Florian Keusch (Professor of Social Data Science and Methodology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim) Frauke Kreuter (Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Department of Statistics, LMU Munich & Professor at the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland, USA) Mark Trappmann (Professor of Survey Methodology, University of Bamberg & Head of the Research Department “Panel Study Labour Market and Social Security”, Institute for Employment Research) Funded by: the German Research Foundation (DFG) Funding: 600 000 EUR Funding period: 2024-2027 “Research Monitor”