Welcome! I am a Postdoctoral Scholar (Akademische Rätin a.Z.) at the Department of Media and Communication, LMU Munich. Taking a Computational Social Science (CSS) perspective, I study digital news (use) and digital data/methods.
Related to digital news (use), I focus on the cross-platform flow of information and cross-platform news consumption. I also study crisis and conflict communication, specifically how news media cover terrorist attacks and terrorist groups, climate change, and other fear-related topics. I serve as a speaker for the Journalism Studies Division of the German Communication Association and am part of the Editorial Board of Digital Journalism.
Related to digital data/methods, my research is situated at the intersection of social science and computer science, with a focus on improving data access, text-as-data methods, digital trace data, and bias in CSS. I am a PI in the interdisciplinary DFG project “Integrating Data Donation in Survey Infrastructure: Quantifying, Explaining, and Addressing Errors in Representation and Measurement” (2024-2027, see our website). Moreover, I give method workshops on R/Python, automated content analysis, and digital trace data.
If you want to know more, please do reach out and send me an email!
For more information, download my CV.
For a full list of my publications, see here
B.A. Research seminar, LMU Munich (2024-2025)
Summer School as part of the EU COST network, University of Salamanca (2024)
B.A. Research seminar, LMU Munich (2023-2024)
Workshop, Conference Journalism/Science Communication Divison DGPuK (2023)
Workshop, Conference Journalism Studies Division DGPuK (2019)
B.A. Research seminar, University of Zurich (2018-2019)
B.A. Research seminar, University of Zurich (2017-2018)
Press, Poadcasts & TV Appearances
Conferences & Workshops